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The return of the MMRC!

Writer's picture: JohnJohn


After a pause in activities like so many other things due to Covid-19 it’s time once again to don your crash helmets as the MMRC (Monday Morning Ride Club) can once again resume. However, because of the current situation ride numbers will be restricted. See below communication from one of the group organisers.

“The biggest change will be a limitation on the number of riders in a group. We feel a maximum of 6 riders, including the ride leader, will satisfy current guidelines from Cycling UK and British Cycling.

This is quite restrictive so the plan is to potentially offer staggered start times to accommodate two groups if there is sufficient demand on any particular Monday.

This will require two ride leaders with some knowledge of the route or the ability to navigate using a Garmin or similar.

Coffee stops are quite limited and it would be useful if members could give feedback on what cafes are open in the area and have the capacity to deal with 6 customers practising social distancing.

Cafes with outdoor seating areas are to be preferred and this might limit rides if the weather is less than favourable.

Distances of planned rides will probably be around 25-30 miles to reflect members various degrees of cycling activity during lockdown.”


If a cycle ride is oversubscribed or you are unable to attend on a Monday there are fantastic cycling opportunities in the area and cycle networks 1 & 68 navigate through Norham. The Scottish Border is only 1 mile away and the coast is just over 7 miles away.

If you would like further information on how to join the group (it’s free) check out the cycling page on the groups and societies section of the site for contact details.

If you have signed up to the site, free gpx cycle routes can also be downloaded from the village share folder in the community section.

Details of local hospitality and local shops can also be found in the community section.

Additional links for cycle networks 1 & 68



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