A wildflower project was established in the churchyard last Autumn and the organizers are pleased to report that it appears to have got off to a good start.
The 500 square metre trial plot is the first stage of a plan intended to increase biodiversity in the churchyard: the prepared ground was sown with a mix of yellow rattle and wildflower seed.
Yellow rattle (Rhinanthus major) is a semi-parasitic annual which will weaken the grass and allow wild flowers to compete and become established. It germinates late February to early March, flowers in May/June and sets seed in July.
The grasses in this area will be allowed to grow tall and will be cut towards the end of July/early August. The cut grasses will then be left to dry for 2-3 weeks which will allow seed to shed before the ‘hay’ is removed.
This project is part of the Norham Community Development Group jointly managed by the St Cuthbert’s church and Norham natural environment sub-groups. Further information can be obtained from Alistair McPhee, Tel. (01289) 382799 or William Jackson, Tel. (01289) 382028.