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Norham School

Public Meeting on Thursday February 16th in the Village Hall at 5pm

Northumberland County Council is running a consultation on the future of the Berwick Education Partnership to answer ONE question - should the partnership remain 3 tier – with First Middle and High schools OR change to 2 tier – with Primary and Secondary schools?

If the decision is to retain the 3 tier system, Norham is very likely to close as it has such low numbers that it is financially vulnerable and educationally diminished.

If the consultation results in a 2 tier system, Norham would become a Primary School with a larger number of pupils and a structure that would be financially viable. It would also work very closely with St Mary's School.

Mr Gary Hilton, head of Norham School and St Mary’s School in Berwick, along with the Governors of Norham School, are supportive of the change to a 2 tier system and are anxious that all those living in and around Norham have the opportunity to discuss the options and are keen to answer any questions at a public meeting on February 16th.

This is a consultation, not a referendum and the ultimate decision will be a political one taken by the County Council. It is very important that the views of community are heard and that you have your say.

To give your support to Norham School :-

1. Come to the public meeting

2. Complete the online consultation survey at

3. If you cannot attend or you have any difficulties trying to complete the consultation survey online, please contact Janet Young, one of the school governors, by phone (01289 382736) or email ( and she will find a way to ensure your voice is heard.

The consultation ends on 3rd March so time is of the essence.

The main risk to Norham School is APATHY!

The complete consultation document will be available at the meeting or you can see it online when you complete the consultation survey.

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