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If you want something done, ask a busy person ...

Writer's picture: Sue Sue

As we adjust to the new 'normal' of washing our shopping and giving friends a wide berth, many of us are working out how to avoid doing all the many jobs we had been saving up for when we 'have more time'. My pantry and the garden shed are still waiting. There's no rush is there?

There are people in this village however, who have been engaged in extremely useful projects such as making face masks and scrubs for the NHS. I did try making a '15 minute' face mask. It took 3 days! Hats off to everyone who is making a difference and if I find any more buttons I will pass them on to you.

My cousin composes, sings and plays guitar. He sent me his latest composition, 'The Covid Blues', a few weeks ago. He felt compelled to try and put his feelings into words. He's still working on the tune but the first verse is below.

Staying at home, wondering what to do,

Starin' out the windows to look at the view.

Maybe go to the store and join the queue?

Or play some music to get me through?

Goin' stir crazy and pacing the floors,

I want to be free in the great outdoors!

But I'm caged inside and listening to the news

Life in lockdown, with the Covid 19 blues.

Writing song lyrics, stories or poetry are effective ways of expressing ourselves. Although I did try to write a clerihew for a neighbour, I find drawing much easier than writing poetry. Sketching is another outlet. It is wonderful therapy and doesn't require any skill; you just have to learn to look at the world around you. That is something we definitely have time for at present.

In fact, there is a wealth of creativity going on in our small village. I know one photographer who is up and out very early every morning capturing stunning images of local wildlife. Others have turned to painting. I was lucky enough to be involved, with my 'Nifty' dance class, in a dance production called, 'Time in Lockdown'. It was great to put something together even though we were apart.

This made me think how good it would be to have a celebration of all the creativity that is happening here and now. Like the beautiful painted pebbles outside the village hall, we could pull together a digital exhibition that can be saved for posterity. Like a 'time capsule' you bury in the garden.

If you are interested in sharing anything that you have created recently, please let us know via email, a phone call or note through the door, with your contact details. With a lot of help from the Website Wizards, Norham Art Group will put on a digital exhibition if there is sufficient interest. It can be a painting, drawing, collage, photography, poetry, story, a song or even a dance and is open to everyone of any age.

Sue Churchill

Chair, Norham Arts Group

01289 382280

62 Castle Street, Norham


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Norham Arts Group is grateful to everyone who has contributed to Norham Community Creates. It has been an enormous pleasure to pull all of the wonderful creativity together. We look forward to sharing it with everyone very soon! Keep checking the website.

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