As a community of faith, Norham Church has much to offer. About forty to fifty people come together to worship every Sunday. We enjoy both our worship and our fellowship, and a warm welcome awaits anyone who would like to join us.
As a building, Norham Church speaks of the patient availability of God. The church is kept open during daylight hours, for those who come to pray, to sit quietly, or to look around. The building is also used for meetings, concerts, and friendly get-togethers.
Norham Church meets to worship every Sunday at 10.00 am. We have a well-established choral tradition and, on most Sundays, the Church Choir plays an important part, together with our excellent organ (and organist). On a first Sunday, we aim to be more informal and experimental, with the help of the Norham Junior Singers.
The church building has good acoustics, and the Concert Planning Group organises a variety of concerts during the warmer months of the year. We have good links with the local Church of England First School.
Norham Church is dedicated to St Cuthbert, whose body is said to have rested here on its long journey to Durham, prompted by Viking raids in the 9thC. The body of St Ceolwulf (to whom the Venerable Bede’s History of the English Church and People is dedicated) is reputed to be buried somewhere in the churchyard.
Norham Church has been described by Simon Jenkins, in England’s Thousand Best Churches, as a mini Durham Cathedral.

Norham Church has been described as ‘The Cathedral of the North’.

Church Services are as follows:
1st Sunday 8.00 am, BCP Holy Communion
10.00 am, First Sunday Worship
2nd Sunday 10.00 am, Holy Communion
3rd Sunday 10.00 am, Mattins
4th Sunday 10.00 am, Holy Communion
5th Sunday 10.00 am, Holy Communion
For more information, contact: William Jackson, Churchwarden, Tel. (01289) 382028, Ian McCreath, Churchwarden, Tel. (01289) 386302, The Revd Rob Kelsey, Vicar, Tel. (01289) 382325