For the last couple of years the residents of Norham have been trying to make Norham a better place for people to live and visit, and to ensure that we retain all the facilities, services, and shops that the village is lucky enough still to have (including a GP surgery and First School). This project was started off with the help and advice of Northumberland County Council regeneration team, who facilitated some community workshops to work out what people wanted out of the exercise.
Norham Development Trust (NDT) was officially incorporated as a not for profit company limited by guarantee in February 2019. Its objectives are ‘To promote for the public benefit regeneration in the village of Norham and the surrounding areas, through a range of activity including (though not exclusively) supporting community services and facilities, the preservation of buildings or sites and the provision of recreational facilities’.
The current directors are George Straughen (Chair), Jim Greenwood, William Jackson, Janet Young and Victoria Craig.
NDT is the more formal organization that will, we hope, be used in due course as a vehicle to apply for funding for various large projects in the village and to provide assistance of various types to its affiliated groups. In the meantime, it facilitates the Norham Coordination Group, which meets monthly in the village hall. Representatives from many of the community groups in the village, most of which are affiliated to NDT, come to these meetings to discuss and share their plans so that all groups are aware of what the others are up to - this helps avoid date clashes, helps with developing ideas and can lead to some great events in the village. Last year Norham Heritage Day, (with medieval re-enactors in the Castle, a duck race on the river in aid of Norham First School PTA, an exhibition in the village hall by the historical society and then a BBQ with musical entertainment on the village green in the evening) was a case in point.

‘Ask not what your village can do for you, but what you can do for your village’ JF Kennedy

Norham is a village we can all be proud of, and we want to keep it that way – and keep it alive for residents, visitors and future generations.
Contact: Tory Craig torylintoncraig@aol.com 0774130987