The Friends of Norham Castle has been set up to tell the world about our wonderful castle, its history, and its natural environment, to organize events in the castle for residents and for visitors, and to work closely with English Heritage to enhance what is already a very special place. We want the whole village of Norham, and people in the surrounding area, to get involved.
We started as a small group of enthusiastic volunteers – and we still are! But we have high ambitions for events within, and improvements to, the castle. We are fortunate to have a very good working relationship with English Heritage who have guardianship of the castle, and who are keen to help where they can.
The Friends group was formally constituted as an unincorporated charitable association in January 2020 and is now actively looking for more members.
To join please click on the link below and fill in the membership form.
By joining you will support our aims, just by paying the membership fee, but you can also help in many other ways. We want to find out about any skills and expertise our members might have to offer and involve as many members as possible in our plans. We have, over the past couple of years, organized a number of community events, with tribal dancing, medieval re-enactments, tours of the castle, children’s activities, treasure hunts and birds of prey. We won the Best Community Involvement Northumbie Award in 2019.

'The most besieged castle in England!'

It is the 900th anniversary of the construction of Norham Castle in 2021, and we have big plans to celebrate this. We would like - and hope – to involve the whole village in some way or another. Please send us your ideas, your enthusiasm, and your financial support!
Contact: friendsofnorhamcastle@gmail.com